How to wash and care for your lingerie by hand and in the machine?
I agree with you, it's definitely a dilemma. Today we are no longer serene when it comes to the caring for our undies. If you're like me, you really care about your nether garments, a lot of different criteria are to be taken into consideration of you want to get the most wear out of them!
Do I was my lingerie in the machine, or by hand?
If I use the machine, will I damage my underwear? If I wash my underwear by hand, will it be clean enough? There is a stain! How do I get it out without discolouring the fabric? Is a 30 degree wash sufficient?
It's a real headache for me too, I assure you.
So I scoured the web for the best tips and tricks (both old-fashioned "grandma-like" and "young fashionable very busy girl" type). I tested everything, and here's what I recommend in terms of care for your sexy outfits, lingerie and underwear.

No matter the fabric or material, your lingerie is fragile.
Whether you wear lingerie made of high quality fabric (silk, lace, satin or crepe) or synthetic material such as polyester or elastane, you must take care of it.
To keep its the shape and form
Hand washing your lingerie is the best option. Whether your underwear is synthetic or a real cotton lace, the machine will damage it. Get into the habit of buying a Marseille soap or a delicate laundry detergent like Soak Wash from Rascol.
If you want to spin your clothes by hand, it's easy: put your clothes in a cloth and spin it around over your head like a spin-dryer (outside is better, eh). Or even more original, in a salad spinner!
To keep the colour as long as possible
If you want to keep the colour of your underwear from fading then SORT, SORT, SORT! Try this old-fashioned trick: once hand washed, soak your underwear for 10 minutes in white vinegar and rinse. Chlorine and bleach are forbidden! These products are corrosive and will turn your lingerie yellow. Jaundice is a serious disease for our clothes as well as for us.
When you're in a hurry, it's possible to use the washing machine. But...
Favour the 'hand wash' program if possible. Run your cycle at 30 degrees Celsius maximum. And choose a detergent for delicate fabrics, or for babies for example. No fabric softener! Avoid spinning at more than 600 rpm. And if you have a laundry net ... slip your underwear in there immediately!
Lingerie drying at its best
The dryer is also forbidden! It's not good for the environment and it's not good for your delicates. The hot air will distort your garment and fade the colours. Choose to dry your lingerie flat on a drying rack or dryer, not directly in the sun. White fabrics can fade in the sun and brighter colours will gradually fade from taking too much vitamin D 🔆 😎