Our Mission
Lingerie Libérée is a lingerie store, but it's not just that...
Lingerie Libérée represents so many things: the starting point of a vision, an adventure, and above all, a desire to give meaning. Meaning to what, you ask? Let me tell you...
The Importance of Women
Clearly, with a name like Lingerie Libérée, we put women at the center of our brand. A woman by definition is a strong being. She has the right to decide what she needs, when she needs it, and how she wants to fulfill that need. She is not weaker and is probably stronger than a man. She has the right to be independent and make her own choices. She has a voice and can express her desires in the way she wishes.
What’s with these two 'L's everywhere?
The two 'LLs' signify much more than just the first letters of our brand name. It represents a brand in its own right, present in all our projects.
With the 'LL' brand, we aim to promote women's well-being and empowerment. Leading to empower each other. A collaborative platform where we all have a voice.
LL --> 2 Ls --> Elles (ɛl): third person plural, feminine. The two 'L's together represent a group of feminine beings.
Other LL projects?
Visit Livwell, simple things to make life easier and promote well-being at home.
Want to share your story? Or be inspired by other strong women like yourself? Discover Elles Untold, a collaborative platform allowing us to share our strengths together.
And now, let’s talk about the lingerie store!
We want to make beautiful lingerie accessible to all women. We gather the trendiest lingerie items in one place, making it easy for you to find your favorite piece. Not only are the items fashionable, but they are also practical for your encounters.
Why are the prices so low? Personally, I like paying a fair price for my purchases. So I set the prices as low as possible. The prices are low because shipping takes a minimum of 15 business days for most products.
The lingerie is shipped directly from China, the UK, or France. Each product description includes sizes and dimensions as well as the material used to create the underwear to help you find the right size.
I dream of offering "Made in Europe" lingerie with finer materials at fair prices. It’s not yet possible, but it’s on my to-do list.
We are currently working on finding sexy products that will reach your door faster than the current 15 business days. Check out our 'Quick Delivery' collection for items delivered in less than 7 business days.